So I’m sitting at home and suddenly I have too much time on my hands. After years running against the clock from one photoshoot to the next, due to the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and like many of you, I’m forced to stay inside. But on second thought I have plenty to keep me occupied.
As the world slows down, I feel I finally have time to catch up on important stuff I’ve been putting on the backseat and that I know will benefit me in the future.
As a matter of fact, photographers who have built strong personal brands will be less affected by this contingency, because they will stick in people’s minds and they hopefully have recurring customers and higher volumes of gigs.
I spoke with many photographers from all around the world and I’m aware that a big portion of the Photologo Community is passionate about outdoor photography but many cannot go out to shoot as they used to and loved to, especially in Europe. In the U.S authorities are starting to adopt restrictions, as well.
Frustrating as it is, sitting home can nonetheless have some upsides: we can finally concentrate on those things we never have time for. And you know what? Savvy photographers can see an opportunity even in hard times and instead of binge-watching Netflix or waste their time cooking (or eating!) all day to beat anxiety, they use this opportunity to invest in their business. It not only will mitigate the impact of the recession but it will also make them ready for success when the economy starts to recover.
That’s why I have put together a list of things to do to improve our photography skills, our brand, and our creativity while we are stuck home.
1) Start a new project
It’s time to think outside the box: start a personal project by experimenting with subjects that you can find inside your home. Still life, pets, bokeh bubble, self-portraits but also pets are good examples that might also work as perfect subjects for stock photography, helping you build a potential source of passive revenue while you wait for live shootings to restart. Are you an “outdoor only” photographer? Try with Food landscapes: the essential thing is to create a sense of narrative.
You can also use a set of miniature model figures.
2) Give your work a professional look
Have you been thinking about starting or scaling your Photography brand and making a full-time living from it? If the answer is yes, then you probably heard this more than once, but looking professional and building your online presence is essential to setting yourself apart from the competition.
Get started by getting rid of that old watermark and get a professional logo done. There are many options out there and one of them surely fits your pocket.
Then apply it to your photos before sharing it on social media, create some elegant business cards, spruce up your online profiles and you’ll surely see what a huge difference it makes.
3) Get Inspired
Diving into a photobook of a great photographer of the past (or the present) will not help you make any money in the immediate future, but first of all can be very relaxing, which is something that everyone could benefit from these days and last, but not least, spending time studying what other talented photographers have done can be very useful and inspiring for your own projects.
I recommend “Animals” by Steve McCurry.
4) Update your portfolio
When we’re busy with our work as a freelance photographer our personal portfolio can become obsolete without us even noticing it. Let’s take advantage of this extra time to refresh our online footprint and polish the work that we are showing our audience. It’s the perfect moment to dig into the archives and do some rebranding. Maybe you’re still showcasing those old photos you were proud of 5 years ago but now make you shiver when you look at them? Maybe you’re still rocking that old WordArt watermark and you’ve now upgraded to a classier one?
A strong, updated portfolio is a basic marketing tool as clients begin looking to book you again.
If you’re thinking this would be a good time to upgrade your watermark, maybe you’ll want to give Photologo a chance.
5) Study or catch up with post-processing and editing
Independently of your skill level, learning something new is never a waste of time. Whether you are just starting out and giving your first steps in post-processing or as a seasoned pro exploring a different software you heard raving reviews of, take advantage of this time to finally catch up on the things that usually you would put aside because they are too time-consuming. Watch some tutorials and get some new tips. Take all the time you need to work on your favorite photos and turn them into genuine masterpieces. Catch up on the editing of the photos from your last photoshoot that are sitting on your hard drive waiting to see the light of day.
Time flies when you are doing something you love, and you will feel great by learning some new tricks and seeing the beautiful results of your work.
Even though the current situation with the recent outbreak is no joke, we feel it’s more important than ever to stay creative and focus on our passion. That’s why we created a list of 5 things you can do right now to improve your photography right from the comfort of your living room. Let’s take this moment as an opportunity to slow down, act smarter and invest in ourselves and our brand, so that we will be prepared for the future success once things will, slowly but surely, get better.