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ديسمبر 7, 2018



Creating a Photologo for Markus Van Hauten

German photographer Markus Van Hauten came to Photologo looking for a signature that would add the finishing touch to his photos with elegance and professionalism.

A self-taught photographer since 2006, Van Hauten started out by working in the field of sports photography. His focus then shifted towards animals and wildlife, and finally reached his most current passion: capturing stunning landscapes.

Beautiful, almost magical destinations are the main subject of Van Hauten’s most recent photos. Iceland, in particular, is a recurring location in his work—thanks to its impressive landscapes and breathtaking beauty.

Inspired by the sinuous lines and graceful contrasts present in his photography, the Photologo design team created a signature logo that reflects those same qualities.

A mixture of sharp points and round curves, Van Hauten’s signature represents his style beautifully. It’s fairly easy to picture pointy mountain tops in the letter M for Markus. While the letter H of his last name shows the same swift movements of running water and sand dunes.

Van Hauten’s shots earned him quite a few awards and special mentions in the last few years. In particular, one of his Iceland photos scored a category win in the 2016 edition of the Sony World Photography Awards.

When asked about what he particularly loves about photography, Van Hauten says: I love the moments in nature when there is nothing else than me, the sunrise or sunset and a beautiful location. It is unbelievable what art nature can do. In those moments I forget everything and that gives me motivation for the things I do and the effort behind it.

Van Hauten’s logo has become a stable feature on his pictures. Its fixed position at the image’s bottom centre allows full visibility and great consistency throughout the entirety of the photographer’s work.

In his words: My Photologo signature completes the picture perfectly and looks much more professional than my own.

You can find more photos by Markus Van Hauten at the following links:

مقالات ذات صلة

26 يونيو 2024

اختبار تدوينة المدونة

29 يوليو 2021

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8 يونيو 2021

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الوقوع في حب شعارك

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🔥عروض الجمعة السوداء 65% إيقاف التشغيل
(كان $100) الآن $49 🔥

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