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نوفمبر 30, 2018



Animated Photologos: Why, Where and How to Use Them

Animated signature logos —they look pretty impressive, don’t they?

In today’s saturated market, we see logos everywhere. We’re completely surrounded by them at all times. So how can you easily spice up your logo and make it stand out from the rest?

By making your signature logo move, you will get a result that’s much more eye-catching and exciting than a regular static logo! Big corporate brands have already started incorporating animated versions of their logos in commercials and promotional videos, but the same principle works just as well for smaller brands.

Are you ready to upgrade your stunning signature logo with an awesome animation?

Where to Use Your Animated Signature Logo

There are so many ways to use your brand new animated logo! We’re sharing a few ideas with you, to get you started and inspire you to take your brand to the next level.


If you upload videos on social media, be it YouTube or Facebook, your animated signature logo would work perfectly as an exciting intro/outro. Share behind the scenes videos of your photoshoots or useful insight on special photography techniques. Your animated logo would work amazingly as an intro to build brand recognition or as an outro to invite people to check out your Facebook page or website.


Use a smaller version of your animated logo during the video in one of the corners of the screen. That is a great way to maintain a clear brand awareness without obstructing your audience’s view.


Instagram is one of the most loved social media platforms by photographers all over the world. The reason for that is because it is highly visual and brings attention to images and videos, rather than text. This makes Instagram the perfect place to show off your logo. Use it as a short video by itself, incorporate it into your longer videos as an intro and/or outro, or add it into your Instagram stories.


Did you know that Facebook lets you add videos as your profile picture? Upload your animated logo as your Facebook profile picture and that will be the first thing your audience sees when you post anything. Moreover, you can use your animated logo in your posts and even in Facebook Ads, if that is something you’re interested in investing in.


Finally, swap your static logo on your website with an exciting animated version of it. This is a fantastic way to make your website look more professional and impressive. It is incredibly easy to build websites with platforms such as Squarespace or Wix—and they all support gifs, so you won’t have any trouble setting up your new animated signature logo!

How to Use Your Animated Signature Logo

Now that you know some of the possibilities, you probably want to know how to incorporate your brand new animated logo in your videos.

While regular, fixed logos require no particular technical knowledge to be applied to images, animated logos do require a slightly more tech-savvy approach. But, fear not, this is really not overly complicated!

When you purchase the animated version of your Photologo signature, you will receive a folder including two gif files containing the white and black versions of your animated logo. In addition, you will also find two video files of those same animations.

As always, our signature logos have fully transparent backgrounds. This makes it quick and easy for you to use how you see fit.

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro are the best programs to add your animated logo to images or videos. Once you know the basics, you can simply drag either the gif files or the video files we provided into the program and they’ll directly appear in the project you’re working on.
At this point, the only limit is your imagination! You can re-size, move and transform your animated logo as much as you wish, or until you reach a result you’re happy with.

How have you been using your animated signature logo? Do you have more ideas to share?
Let us know in the comments below!

مقالات ذات صلة

26 يونيو 2024

اختبار تدوينة المدونة

29 يوليو 2021

كيفية تطبيق PhotoLogo الخاص بك باستخدام Canva في 5 خطوات سهلة

8 يونيو 2021

استوديو ترميم الصور الحائز على جوائز يعزز دعم العملاء باستخدام توقيعات Photologo – Photologo Spotlight

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